Guiding Word for 2021: Perception
After days of asking myself: “What word can best guide me this year?” I decided on “perception”.
I value this word because it reminds me to think critically. It challenges me to reckon with the fact that my perception of something can change.
How I see the world, how I experience something, how I engage with others is largely based on my perception. It is important to remind myself that how I connect with something or someone is based on something that can shift or be influenced. This is…both destabilizing and inspiring. Change of any kind, after all, can elicit feelings of curiosity, fear, excitement, worry, and hope.
I strive to experience life with as much optimism, kindness, and joy as possible. This year, then, I will do my best to consider how I can perceive interactions and circumstances in ways that offer respect and compassion to myself and others.
In the next few days, I plan to finish a first draft of my dissertation. My perception of the writing process has certainly evolved. Instead of being overwhelmed by the demanding task of writing a whole dissertation, I now feel grateful for the opportunity to make small, consistent progress on a project that encompasses many of my interests. Gratitude and focus on small steps have helped me get this far. Had I continued to perceive the task as unimaginable and daunting, I would not be days away from emailing my advisor a full draft.
Perception matters.
Have you thought about having a word of the year? If so, which one?
Wishing you peace, health, and happiness in 2021 (and beyond)!
Con cariño,